Be A Studio Partner
Thank you for your interest in being a Studio Partner for the 2025
Berkshire Yoga Festival.
Please read before submitting an inquiry form:
We are looking to partner with studios in the New England region who wish to be a part of the festival in some way. When filling out the application below please share information about your studio location, community size, and website.
A typical Studio Partnership might include:
Studio Owner(s) gets 20-30% off group ticket sales.
Studio Gets a Coupon Code for their community to purchase multi-day tickets at $50 off the current price
Studio logo to be listed on the BYF website with a backlink and a social media shout out in June.
Limited teaching spots available for Studio Owners to be featured as faculty at the festival.
Studio is responsible for:
Post a BYF poster and postcards in a highly visible area of their studio. (provided by BYF)
Inform community about their studio’s coupon code.
Include info about BYF and coupon code in at least 2 emails and 4 social media posts.
Thank you for your commitment and enthusiasm. We are excited to grow the New England Yoga Community together with you!
The BYF Team