Sacred Names

Thursday Evening Kirtan with Krishna Das

Sacred Names: Kirtan with Krishna Das

Thursday, June 12th | 7:00pm

Join us for an evening of chanting with the legendary Krishna Das.

Kirtan is a simple and meditative traditional sadhana (spiritual practice.) The practice itself involves repetitive call and response singing between a leader and a group, where what is being sung back and forth is mantra, sacred names, or names of God. It is said to awaken bhakti, a kind of reverential and loving devotion within the heart.

Kirtan Tickets will be made available at a later date for guests who do not have a Thursday or 4-Day Pass and wish to enjoy the evening of music and celebration.

*If you have a single or multi-day pass to the festival that includes Thursday, you do NOT need to purchase a ticket.

About Krishna Das:

Layering traditional kirtan with instantly accessible melodies and modern instrumentation, Krishna Das has been called the “Chant Master of American Yoga” (NYTimes). With a remarkably soulful voice that touches the deepest chord in even the most casual listener, Krishna Das, known to friends, family, and fans as simply, “KD,” has taken the call-and-response chanting out of yoga centers and temples and into concert halls, becoming a worldwide icon and the best-selling western chant artist of all time. In a recording career spanning more than two decades, he has released 16 acclaimed full-length albums, his music serving as an easily approachable gateway to the devotional traditions of the East, and his voice serving as a conduit to the yearning that is the wellspring of all spiritual paths. His album ‘Live Ananda’ (released January 2012) was nominated for a Grammy in the Best New Age album category.