BYF Curated Schedule: Local Flavor

With over 40 presenters and 120+ sessions, choosing how to spend your time at the Berkshire Yoga Festival might feel overwhelming. To help guide you, as you plan your festival experience, we’ve put together some Curated Schedules to inspire you.

These samples include allotting 10 sessions, some community events, and time for breaks from Friday to Sunday of the festival. You are welcome to follow the schedule exactly or use them as a starting point.

This Curated Schedule highlights sessions from an incredible array of presenters based in our home-state of Massachusetts. Here is a chance to discover some incredible teachers you may not have known, here in our own backyard.

Friday June 14th:

9:00am - A Mindful Outdoor Experience with Micah Mortali
11:00am - This is Your Brain on Yoga (Lecture) with Lauren Turner
12:30pm - Afternoon break for lunch, shopping and meeting up with yogi friends
4:00pm - Kripalu Vinyasa: Breathe, Feel, Flow with Coby Kozlowski
7:00pm - Ectsatic Flow to Release Emotional Blockages with Dima Bosko

Saturday, June 15th
8:00am - Seva Flow: A Gentle Vinyasa with Sarah Gardner
10:00am - Sound Alchemy Experience with Char Willingham
11:30am - Light lunch
12:30pm - Funky Vinyasa Flow with Nicole Carter
4:00pm - Tantra Yoga: Align with Nature’s Way with Todd Norian
5:30pm - Dinner
7:00pm - Off the Mountain Music Extravaganza with MC Yogi, DJ Taz Rashid and Satigata

Keep scrolling down to see Sunday

Sunday, June 16th
8:00am - Meditation is Everything with Beryl Birch
9:30am - Mindfulness and Resilience on Buddha’s Path to Awakening with Dr. Chris Berlin
11:00am - In Our Yogi Era with Shannon Cook (please note session before ends at 11am)
Lunch & Vendor Village

2:00pm - Soul Flow with Andrew Tanner
3:30pm - Closing Kirtan with Andrew Tanner and Friends

Feeling inspired? Head to your schedule to book your sessions or purchase a pass below.


BYF Curated Schedule: For Yoga Teachers


Tips for building your Schedule