Community events
Free events for locals
From its inception in 2024, the Berkshire Yoga Festival has aimed to become New England's most vibrant yoga and wellness gathering. Proudly rooted in the Berkshires, we welcome yogis from across the country and around the world.
Berkshire locals can experience the heart of the festival with access to 40+ free community events open to the public. Join select yoga classes, enjoy live performances from local artists and explore unique offerings from regional vendors dedicated to supporting holistic wellness.
Access to the Festival Grounds, between Friday, June 13th - Sunday, June 15th
Attend any 3 Free Community Yoga Class/Workshops over 3 days
Discover something new at the Free YES Talks on the Stage Coach stage.
Dance to select LIVE MUSIC performances on the mountainside.
Shop and Experience the Family Friendly Vendor Village open to the public
Check out the Artists in residence
Check out the views with a chair-lift to the top of Jiminy Peak.
A $69 value
Does Not Include:
Sessions with featured faculty and other premiere sessions
Yoga Intensives
Thursday Evening Kirtan with Krishna Das or Saturday Evening Color Party
Yagam Fire Ceremonies, Cacao Circles, Sound Healing or Hypnotism Sessions
*After registration, you must reserve your preferred sessions. Sessions subject to fill.
Look for the ✴️ icon for sessions available to reserve with the Community Pass.