VOLUNTEER 4-Day Guru Pass
Acceptance of application required.
Requires attendee to volunteer a minimum of 20 hours, apply through website and be accepted by Festival Staff before purchase.
Ticket Includes access to all 4 days of the festival and:
1 Intensive Workshops on Thursday or Friday
10 Featured Sessions. (more if space available)
Unlimited Community Events
Thursday Krishna Das Concert, Sat Night Color Party
Acceptance of application required.
Requires attendee to volunteer a minimum of 20 hours, apply through website and be accepted by Festival Staff before purchase.
Ticket Includes access to all 4 days of the festival and:
1 Intensive Workshops on Thursday or Friday
10 Featured Sessions. (more if space available)
Unlimited Community Events
Thursday Krishna Das Concert, Sat Night Color Party
Acceptance of application required.
Requires attendee to volunteer a minimum of 20 hours, apply through website and be accepted by Festival Staff before purchase.
Ticket Includes access to all 4 days of the festival and:
1 Intensive Workshops on Thursday or Friday
10 Featured Sessions. (more if space available)
Unlimited Community Events
Thursday Krishna Das Concert, Sat Night Color Party
Volunteers will get a schedule of hours from HQ shortly before the festival so that they can schedule their sessions.
HQ will do our best to ensure you can take as many desired classes as possible.
Volunteers understand they may not get into every class they desire.